Monday, December 18, 2017

Surgery Today

Happy Holidays!  With Christmas one week away, festive preparations have been busy at the Herrin house.  

Maliyah's new Haircut
Maliyah went to dialysis and learned a game called cover your assets on Monday.  We enjoyed it so much, we may be getting it this year for Christmas!  
Tuesday, our mom loaded us up in the car and told us we were going to a surprise location.  We went to see the movie Wonder, which was absolutely incredible and inspiring.  Aside from that, we worked on online school for most of the day.
Nephew Ezra
We played cover your assets again when Grandpa took us both to Maliyah's dialysis on Wednesday.  The next day, we caught up on all of our schoolwork.  The semester ends this next week, and-- like most teenagers-- we wanted to avoid school as much as possible over the winter break.
On Friday, we wrapped presents for our friends and family.  We love wrapping presents, and usually wrap most of the presents our family is gifting to others or even to each other!  Click here for a Christmas wrap battle in celebration of the season.
We filmed videos for our channel with Anabelle and Emma on Saturday.  Look for a holiday-themed video this Wednesday and a channel trailer to be released January 3rd.  Maliyah got a short new haircut later that day.  
Sunday morning, Maliyah went to church with our friend Anabelle while Kendra stayed home.  As many of you know, Kendra has surgery today (see our last post to read more).  She couldn't make it to church because she had to prepare for the surgery by drinking something to clear her bowels out.  She also couldn't eat anything all day because it is bowel reconstruction surgery.  Please keep her in your hearts this holiday season. Don't worry-- even though she will be in the hospital over Christmas, our family is bringing the same spirit we would have at home right to her recovery room.
We invite you to Light the World during the coming week by doing random acts of service for those around you and illuminating the holiday spirit we love so much.
Keep in touch,
Kendra & Maliyah


  1. Awesome haircut, Maliyah! Fingers crossed in prayer for Kendra's surgery.

    1. Thank you! Kendra's surgery went very well, thank you for your prayers.

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NEWS & A Very Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays from the Herrin Family Important news today! We are relocating the blog to the site, which our parents h...