Monday, November 27, 2017

Remember Us?

Hey!  It's Kendra and Maliyah.  

You might remember our story from a few years ago.  We were featured on KSL, Deseret News, Oprah, Huffington Post, Daily Mail, NBC, and dozens more.  If you haven't yet heard our story, welcome!
We were born joined at the abdomen, and we shared a set of legs as well as a large intestine, kidney, and other organs.  Doctors said we wouldn't learn to move around while conjoined, but we did.  And with that health came the goal to separate us.  Our story involved doctors and medical ethicists around the world, because the surgery was risky.  But the prospect of a better life led to an eventual separation surgery.
When we were younger, our mom started a blog and kept the world updated on our story for a while.  She also wrote a book about our story.  Not too long after our separation surgery was successful, our presence eventually tapered off, leaving many wondering what we might be up to now.
Now, we want to share our day-to-day adventures with the world. 
Click to see our YouTube Channel, where we post videos every Wednesday.
Here, expect to see posts every Monday.
Until next week,
Kendra & Maliyah

NEWS & A Very Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays from the Herrin Family Important news today! We are relocating the blog to the site, which our parents h...